Our Environment
As a lifelong environmentalist and native North Carolinian, I strongly believe that North Carolina's natural resources belong to all of us. We need conservation and protections to safeguard our common environmental heritage. When I am elected, I will use my office to promote clean air and water policies as well as ensure that North Carolina's natural beauty is protected for generations to come.
I promise to:
Hold polluters accountable when they threaten our air, water, and land.
Support renewable energy such as wind, solar and wave technologies to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and grow the green energy economy of our state.
Champion the State's proposal to raise recycling rates from the current dismal 36% rate to a much more ambitious 75% goal.
Push for a reduction in the use of plastic bags and other plastic items that can be replaced with 100% reusable, recyclable, and biodegradable materials.
As the next legislator from the 11th District, I want to see a North Carolina that is cleaner, healthier and less dependent on fossil fuels.