A Fair Economy for All
We need an economy that promotes sustainable development and jobs that provide a living wage. For 15 years I worked directly with local businesses to find fair employment for people with disabilities. As a stage manager, I auditioned actors and supervised a cast and crew of diverse people. I understand what it means to cut a paycheck and to help others earn one as well. As your state representative in the General Assembly, I want to expand opportunity for all job-seekers and for businesses who rely on the Triangle’s immense and diverse talent pool to meet their needs.
Minimum Wage to a Living Wage
Anyone who works full-time should be able to support themselves and their family. That is why I support raising North Carolina's minimum wage to $15 per hour, indexing it to inflation, and repealing HB 142 to allow local governments to further raise pay and protect workers.
Smart Growth & Transportation
Here in Raleigh and Cary, we are fortunate to live in one of the most prosperous areas in the nation, but a rising tide doesn’t always lift all boats. As our community continues to grow, our need for a high-quality, public transportation system is clear. That is why I support a light-rail plan between Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. By linking the Triangle’s major population centers to the region’s businesses and universities, we can expand economic justice by improving access to transit and connecting our rich and diverse neighborhoods with hubs of commerce and innovation.
I will work for policies that put the working class at the center of tax reform. In 2014, the Republican-controlled General Assembly let the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) expire, which provided tax relief to more than 900,000 low and middle-income North Carolinians. I support reinstating the EITC, and I oppose any effort to further subsidize the rich by capping the state’s income tax.
Make no mistake: HB2 caused immense damage to our economy and our reputation as a welcoming state. Whether this "Bathroom Bill" cost our state economy $400 million (Business Insider 2016) or closer to $4 billion ($3.76 billion of known public loss projections by AP analysis 2017) the fact is: it cost us.
When HB2 was replaced by HB142, it contained a clause which prevented local governments from raising the minimum wage in their communities. I believe local governments should have the autonomy to choose to raise their minimum wages.
Let me be clear: While some Democrats voted for this so-called replacement to HB2, I do not support the replacement bill. I believe HB2 should have been entirely repealed. Period.