Schools & Education
We need equitable funding for our public schools so every child gets a sound, basic education and teachers earn a middle-class living.
I believe that all of our students from kindergarten through graduate school deserve the best education we can provide. The history of our great state was built on the foundation that education is a right to every person in North Carolina. Our forefathers thought education was so important that they put it in Article 1 in our state’s constitution, which reads, “The people have a right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right.” I will uphold that duty when I am elected.
In order to uphold the spirit of our state constitution's guarantee to a sound, basic education, we must:
Increase per-pupil spending in North Carolina.
Use public money for public education. No taxpayer dollars for vouchers or private schools.
Increase teacher pay.
Ensure school safety by supporting common-sense gun safety reforms.