Representing NC House District 11

Serving District 11 is great honor, and I pledge to do everything I can to serve you, your family, and our community. I will listen to your concerns and work tirelessly to make District 11 and North Carolina a place you are proud to call home.

I believe that we need to put our government back in the hands of the people. The Republican-controlled legislature does not work for the working families of North Carolina. They have cut funding for public schools, passed divisive laws like HB2, jeopardized our economy, and refuse to take action to protect our air and water from harmful pollution.

We need to keep students safe and show educators the respect they deserve.  We need to show the world that all are welcome in North Carolina, and that our state is open for business. We need to protect our natural resources, from the mountains to the coast, and right here in District 11, while working to correct the problems that have resulted from poor decision of the past. To make this happen, it is important that we Democrats stand up to members of our own party, as well as others, when there are actions and behaviors that don't align with our values. 

I represent you because I know that we can make it better. If we work together to keep District 11 blue and to break the Republican majority in the General Assembly, we move forward with a vision and a plan so that District 11and the entire state of North Carolinacan be a better and more welcoming place for everyone.